All my life, I hunted Now
But knew not how to catch it
With a camera, I tried to capture Now
All I got was a photo
A still, unmoving picture
A fragment of what was seen
All my life, I hunted Now
But knew not how to catch it
With a pen, I tried to capture Now
All I got was a story
A linear record
Telling what I felt but
Missing how I felt
Missing feelings
That a word can’t catch
All my life, I hunted Now
But knew not how to catch it
With my mind, I tried to capture Now
All I got was a memory
Each time I remembered
Something slightly changed
And the memory fades with
And sometimes the mind
All my life, I hunted Now
But knew not how to catch it
I used a new approach
Combining many methods
Each one contained a fragment
Perhaps together
They’d be a whole
But no matter what
I never got it all
A jigsaw puzzle
With most its pieces missing
All my life, I hunted Now
But knew not how to catch it
I thought
If I can catch a dance on tape
Why can’t I catch Now?
But wait
A dance caught on tape
Is just a recording
It misses all the
How can I catch a dance
Without dancing?
And song on tape
How can I catch a song
Without singing?
All my life, I hunted Now
But knew not how to catch it
I can’t catch Now
It’s impossible
I was thinking of it wrong
Fresh air in a bottle
Becomes bottled air
Why put it in a bottle
When you can just
Breathe it in?
So, why put Now in a bottle?
Don’t catch Now
All my life, I hunted Now
Now, I Am Now