a few friday links

Found at Slate: Dismissed!
We won’t solve the military manpower crisis by retaining our worst soldiers.
— Critizing a new directive that “raises the approval authority for discharges from the battalion commander level to the ‘special court-martial convening authority’ level — generally a step of one command level, from battalion to brigade,” then gives steps the military can take to retain troops, mostly by cutting out the middleman of private contractors and adopting some of their policies. Very good, sensible article.

Found at Cosmic Log: Super-predator is regular visitor — Introduces new hypothesis of Earth’s periodic mass extinctions. Interesting and thought-provoking. I was already wondering about humans before the article mentioned it.

One thought on “a few friday links

  1. prototype_angel

    A few queries I want answered:
    Are the following super predators?
    Evil Mongooses(or is the plural Mongeese?)

    How is the delocalization of extinction. It’s a near impossibility that super predators will evolve in different parts of the world. They’ll have to be super-predators, super-travellers, and super-breeders

    If humans are classified as super predators, are all individual people super predators, or can super predators be just the US-Army and Microsoft?

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