SCHIZO KILLER: Since you’ve decided to become an instant messenger addict, I think I should teach you about “profiles”
foley2012: im not addicted yet but ok
SCHIZO KILLER: you go into that menu that says “My AIM” and then click “Edit Profile…”
SCHIZO KILLER: and then you can write something humorous so that everyone will think that you are cool
foley2012: really?
foley2012: i want to be cool so bad
foley2012: so very very bad
foley2012: im trying to think of something hilarious
foley2012: and inciteful
foley2012: and inspiring
foley2012: and profound
foley2012: all at the same time
SCHIZO KILLER: I think if you found something like that, the universe would explode
Ryan’s profile:
you must think im cool because you are looking at my profile right now. im glad that you think im cool because i am. i am so cool. you probably are reading this because you want to be as cool as me. not very many people are. however, im used to conversing with people that are not as cool as me, so i wont be disappointed if you want to talk to me.
Later that day
SCHIZO KILLER: I am impressed by your profile. You are so cool… I want to have sex with you and touch your boobies.
foley2012: haha
foley2012: thank u only a few people are as cool as myself u should feel proud to speak to me
Other AIM Hilarity
WeirdJosh: oh gross
WeirdJosh: I have hair stuck to the bottom of my foot >_<
WeirdJosh: and it looks like it’s been glued there for a while
WeirdJosh: by what seems like it could be melted dead skin, or deoderant, or something
WeirdJosh: fucking grody
WeirdJosh: ugh, gross
WeirdJosh: I think it *WAS* dead skin
WeirdJosh: @_@
SCHIZO KILLER: now that you’re in my weblog, it means you’re famous
foley2012: yes
foley2012: !
foley2012: im a superstar