Daily Archives: June 24, 2012


I am really doing this. I’m upending everything in my life. I’m moving, changing jobs, losing use of a car, being relieved of hosting duties for our weekly gathering of friends.

The furniture in my apartment is slowly disappearing. I gave away a bunch of books. I signed papers that say I’m moving out. I notified my boss that I’m leaving my job. Everything is so real now. It used to be something in my head — a vague plan of the future that couldn’t come fast enough. Now time’s speeding up and everything is happening all at once. I keep passing these points of no return.

From my apartment parking lot, I looked up at the stars and realized that I would soon lose this particular view forever. With all these tangible details of the changes happening in my life, the sense of loss finally hit me. Everything is going to be different.

It’s all so exciting, and I know it’ll all be worth it.

Right now, I’m not scared by any of it. Well, except for the loss of financial security. I’ll have to actually pay attention to my expenditures. But like I said, it’ll all be worth it. It’s worth trading that for the exciting adventure to come.