A Debate Last Night

So apparently, there was a Democratic debate last night on ABC, which I missed. Maybe you missed it too. That’s okay, I can sum it up in one sentence from this Washington Post article: “The debate also touched on Iraq, Iran, the Middle East, taxes, the economy, guns and affirmative action.”

Iraq, the economy, yes, the most important issues of our time, were merely “touched on.” Instead, they spent most of their time on very substantive issues such as whether Obama wears a flag lapel pin. Never mind that the Bush Administration approved torture and eviscerated the Fourth Amendment. Apparently, our attire is more important than our allegiance to American principles and the Constitution in determining one’s patriotism.

That the sentence quoted above is even a possible formulation is laughable. It’s something you’d expect to excerpt from The Onion, not the Washington Post.

We’re not going to win unless we fight like hell against this freak show.

I thought Obama would coast to victory because of the anger over the Iraq war and the economy, but it’s not going to be enough. That debate is a mere taste of what we’re going to face this election season.

0 thoughts on “A Debate Last Night

  1. Lloyd

    That debate’s “moderation” totally angered me like I haven’t been angered in this entire primary season. Shortly after, I pretty much spammed everyone on my buddy list who’s an Obama supporter to tell them to send his campaign more $$ as a way of sending a LOUD message to the MSM.

    Did so myself, for the nth time, in a matching contribution. A few minutes later, the matching donor e-mailed me back thusly:

    “Congratulations! Your pledge inspired Carrie S. in Seattle, WA to make a donation to the campaign. Here’s what she had to say:

    Hi Lloyd!

    Thank you so much for matching my donation! Like you, I have given small amounts consistently over the last several months and was motivated to give again by this “debate.”

    I have felt for a long time that the single biggest problem with this country is the fact that the media is controlled by corporate interests. Hopefully, tonight’s disgusting display will put that issue in the forefront.

    On a side note, I just visited Hawaii for the first time in February. Ironically I arrived on the day of the caucus. I bought the paper the next day and saved it! I had such a wonderful time in Hawaii–what a beautiful and loving place.

    Thank you again Lloyd.
    Yes We Can!!!



    I don’t think what she and I felt is isolated at all, and there ought to be an enormous backlash against the MSM.

    They simply assume the American polity is stupid, plain and simple. We will prove them wrong-headed.