The Path To Virtue

I think the path to virtue is through habit. I’ve been trying to force myself to get things done instead of procrastinating. Just little things right now.

My first sentence is an odd claim that I can’t really back up right now, but I’ll get to it eventually. I’m beginning to feel out some very strange views on the mind, habit, and ethics.

0 thoughts on “The Path To Virtue

  1. Lloyd Nebres

    The claim is not odd at all. In fact, it’s an ancient thing, tied in to the practice of ritual and meditation, among other things.

    Prayer rendered habitual is, in many of our most revered religious traditions, a path to the divine.

    More prosaically and on a more mundane plane, I long ago realized that the habit of daily weblogging indeed leads to a kind of virtue: clarity and transparency. I’ve lived a significant aspect of my life online now, via my weblog, and people who look through that window with some regularity ought to see me for who I really am.