As much as ****** touts itself with things like tsunami relief funds, there is a real culture of apathy at ******. I definitely want to pick an active college.
EDIT: Edited out my school name so they don’t own my soul.
As much as ****** touts itself with things like tsunami relief funds, there is a real culture of apathy at ******. I definitely want to pick an active college.
EDIT: Edited out my school name so they don’t own my soul.
Your site just became the property of you-know-who!! Take out the name!!! AAAHHHHHHHHH!! =P Good idea tho; Cal Poly’s more apathetic than MCHS…scary, eh?
Yeah, I’m wondering how many more times we’re going to hear the expression “Tsunami Relief.” I think the admins at our school just like saying things like “destruction,” “donation,” “faith organization,” and the like. Americans abuse catchphrases. McDonald’s menu uses the McOverkill method, Bush only seems to concern himself with “nookular weapons,” and students of ******* are deadened by the monotony of “Teachers, please turn on your television sets for an **TV presentation” or “Teachers, please write detentions for all students not currently in appearance code.” I’ve never heard a different delivery. Have they never heard of sentence variety? So irritating. Though “tsunami” is kinda fun to say in spite of itself, it’s getting old. Like sickly meat.